Asia Healthcare Blog
Exploring the intersection of investment and development, in Asia

China, HK, Macau

April 8, 2009

Apparently, Women Cadre don’t have the Same Age Retirement in China

Posted By James Flanagan

This was news to me, via China CSR, here:

[...]Chen Zhili, the chairperson of the All-China Women’s Federation, has called on Beijing to take a proactive role in making the retirement age for female cadres and intellectuals the same as their male counterparts. [...]

Side note, the ACWF is an organization of women established in China in March 1949. It was constructed as a mass organization supported by the Communist Party of China, and based on Marxist theory. (see wikipedia). Fun fact, in 1995 the ACWF began to refer to itself as a non-governmental organization, although it is a government-operated operation.

About the Author

James Flanagan
After a few years of living in Singapore, James headed to Montreal to study at McGill where he received a B.Com in 2006. He jumped on the first plane back to Asia and landed in Beijing. After trying his hands at a couple of different projects, he focused on developing a consulting firm focusing on Asian IT/Biotech firms. Currently, James Flanagan is on the board of The Beijing Rotaract Club, and spends most of his time working on TedxBeijing 2012 with his laptop, in Beijing, PRC.


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