There’s an awful lot of common sense reasons not to frequent prostitutes while going abroad. There’s quite a few more not to do it in a place where you don’t speak the language. We just happened to be most knowledgeable about why one should not to do it while in China. Here is our top 10. Added suggestions are welcome.
10.) Third world prices means third world safety hazards. The prostitute businesses that the average expatriate, in China, is likely to come across (affordable on a teacher’s salary) are built on a business model that cater to China’ average and below average males; the poor, the migrants, and the men who do nothing but spend their money on prostitutes. There’s no regulation of these places because, officially, prostitution is illegal and doesn’t exist, in China. So, typically, the places you’re likely to meet prostitutes are full of germs with a lot of star power; the kind of star power that forces the NIH to dole out billions of dollars each year to study them.
Hint 1 (of 2): If the prostitute establishment has a barbershop-like sign or neon lighting, then that’s the kind of place I’m talking about.
9.) Not to belabor the safety point, but the Chinese are really ignorant about HIV/AIDS. Prostitutes in China regularly have sex with men without using condoms. Fifty percent of Chinese think that HIV is transmitted by kissing.
8.) In case you do contract a sexually transmitted disease after visiting a prostitute, your travel insurance will likely not cover the cost. This also holds true for any international insurance you may have. Typically, only pre-existing STDs are covered.
7.) If you choose to pursue treatment for your STD while in China expect that positive tests will be reported to the Ministry of Health. This can substantially complicate matters if you own a business, in China, or if you are the type of expat that likes to go in and out of the country often.
6.) It’s not unheard of for businessmen to get blackmailed with photos/video of past prostitute hook-ups anywhere, in the world. Now just think about the fact that China is reportedly the world’s largest exporter of prostitutes. If you’re ever ‘offered’ a girl for the night by a potential business partner, you have to ask yourself, who is providing those prostitutes?
Is your luck that night being determined by a random process whereby gangs of young girls somehow find one another and form empowered prostitute gangs? No. It’s the hei she hui ren (mafia) and the government, stupid. Being ‘offered’ a prostitute is the equivalent of letting someone wire tap your house, finding exactly where all of bugs are located and then reading from a random hate group publication, written in the first person, in a spot where you’re sure the bugs are going to get the best reception.
Hint 2 (of 2): If the prostitute establishment is an expensive KTV, or has no neon lights and serves expensive tea/fruit, then this is the kind of place where you can expect to get blackmailed.
5.) Prostitutes are trustworthy, more so than you, and definitely more than China’s police and government officials – at least that’s what Chinese netizens think. Don’t expect any sort of public outcry if you somehow get duped by a prostitute.
4.) If you try to blackmail anyone you have sex with, like this idiot, or anyone you perceive has wronged you, the same netizens that don’t trust you/like you will use their human flesh engine to find you, and embarrass you…and then further harass you. When this happens, the best that you can pray for is that you don’t become a popular Chinese meme.
3.) China is not Las Vegas. Just because you don’t speak Chinese, and you think that Chinese people don’t care about what you do, they’ll still notice when you come home with a prostitute and they’ll talk about it. This point, in as many words, was made to me by an American woman who had lived, in Beijing, for twenty-five years (!!!), twenty of which were spent with her husband. During the 20th year of their time together, in China, she found out that he had 5 regular girlfriends spread across China, several children, and at least one Chinese wife. The way she found out is that she accidentally overheard her Chinese neighbors talking about a white man that lived in the neighborhood and frequently was seen with different Chinese women, one of whom, they saw, had a half-Chinese child.
That woman ended up becoming a marriage counselor for expat couples living in Beijing, and she always tries her best to drive home the point that what you do, in China, does have consequences.
2.) Again, China is not Las Vegas. The people that come to see you, visit you, hang out with you, in China, will report everything you’re doing when they get back home. There is no such thing as a ‘China code’ that secures all of your adventures abroad will not come back home to haunt you. The bigger your goals, in life, the more this aspect of China (the fact that the rules of decency apply there as much as anywhere else) should factor into the decisions you make.
Moreover, there is no ‘safe’ prostitution establishment, where everyone knows your name. See Hint 1 and 2 above – either you’re putting yourself at high risk for STDs, or for blackmail, or for both.
1.) Prostitution has a stench that can be sensed from far away. Once you have it, it’s never coming off, and you will get blackballed from many societies and networks. If your boss wants to take you to have some fun, chances are its not a good boss to be working for anyway, and it’s certainly not someone you want to emulate. In fact, chances are that his network has already suffered from the many habits he’s picked up in his life.
Want even more info? Our Sexual health in China guidebook will be out soon. Sign up with your email to find as soon as it comes out!
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Haha, I sooo can relate to what that marriage counselor is saying! My boyfriend when i was in Shanghai was cheating on me with three Chinese girls and then his friend told me that they went to massage parlors all the time. Maybe another thing on the list should be that sleeping with hookers makes it hard to hold on to good girls like me
Your boyfriend was doing what any man lwoud do. You western women with your eqality hangups dont know how to treat a man in bed or outof it… Chinese girls are docile, warm amd genuiely want to please… Anyman would love to nut a doe eyed beauty…
spot on bro spot on
the majority of men wouldn’t cheat on their wife with a hooker while on vacation with their girlfriend.
^ Agree! ^
if you think cheating on your girlfriend is what “anyman” would do then ur idea of A REAL MAN is seriously screwed
If you wanna see hookers, go for it…just make sure ur single and not hurting anyone
AND Chaz – You’ll be paying girls to finish you off for the rest of your life. “Chinese girls are docile, warm and genuinely want to please”……. The words of a man who has clearly never dated a Chinese girl. Your ignorance amuses me!!! and your pathetic attempt to make western women sound bad only makes you look foolish. When I picture you both in my head from these comments I see two low lifes, who use 16yr old words like “Bro” and have to pay to get a girl to please you. A huge number of men cheating on their CHINESE wives and girlfriends in China, I know foreign men who go to foreign prostitutes behind their Chinese partners backs. Are those Chinese girls doing something wrong??? According to you their all “doe eyed beauties who know how to apparently please their men”…….
mmm…I feel what you’re saying I just dont know that foreigners should be scared of China flesh engines…cause chinese people think all foreigners look the same…white and/or black and/or brown
How about this for a reason:
11) don’t ever go to a massage parlor because the girls there don’t even know how to give a massage.
it’s such a waste of money. People need to just learn how to get a fu**** life and have a relationship.
Not everyone wants a relationship.
If you want a massage, never get it from girls. Every expat here knows that the only good massages come from blind men. No, there’s nothing sexual. Yes, it’s a great freaking massage.
My now ex-husband cheated on me with many very young Chinese prostitutes in Shanghai when we were there as expats on assignment, as well as more across Asia. As a petite, reasonably attractive and successful woman, I had the confidence in myself as well as the ability to leave as soon as I understood what was going on. I filed for divorce when, after much research, I realized his SA (sex addict) illness had nothing to do with me and wouldn’t be cured anytime soon (not in my lifetime!). God only knows how long it will be before he turns up with HIV or some other STD; the good news is I came away from there without catching anything. If you ever suspect your husband or lover of cheating on you in China, my advice is to run for your life as quickly as possible; no man is worth dying over!
I’m worth dying over… dumb Bitch.
Hey Dumbass, no one would wanna die over you softc**k. Women appreciate kind and virile men, not useless turdpiles
Fifty percent of Chinese think that HIV is transmitted by kissing.
You gotta be kidding me. Less than 10 percents around me think HIV is transmitted by kissing.
No. It’s the heishi ren (mafia) and the government, stupid.
Definitely agree the government is behind the Mafia. I don’t know where you learned Chinese, but the places I’ve been to (northern and southwestern China) call the Mafia hei she hui. Hei shi means black market.
it’s hei she. hei is black, she is society. The mafia are considered a black society. she hui together means organization/ society.
hah, blind massage, most are not blind, i had one take me outside
and point out the prices on a sign after he tried to cheat me.
men, don’t get discouraged by this rant above, support chinese whores,
white girls don’t know how to fuck and i have had great massages.
Bitch! Get cho ass back in the kitchen n make me a sammich!
Great job in spreading FUD. Yes china is not vegas, but vegas for prostitution is over-rated anyways. You have no idea of what you are talking about. Did you know that KTV entertainment is part of the NORMAL and acceptable business culture? Please gather your facts before attempting to post this kind of BS on the internet.
Arguement is loss the moment you raise your voice or use hasty words
It is then won the moment you rape their bitchass or put a cap between their eyes.
Chinese prostitutes are no more or likely to carry STDs than other prostitutes who work elsewhere in countries where it is illegal. This article seems to imply that Chinese prostitutes somehow have a monopoly on STDs and have a propensity for criminal behavior.
I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying the company of Chinese prostitutes without incident. Honestly, they were some of the sweetest women I’ve ever been with and fantastic lovers. I probably have some half-Chinese little ones running around somewhere that I don’t know about.
Because I always treat these women with respect and kindness, take good care of myself, have good personal hygiene, am physically fit, am an attentive lover, make good conversation, et cetera, they really, really, appreciate it.
The fact that our initial meeting was a paid for experience quickly becomes irrelevant and I usually end up spending a few days with her – all without paying for it – and we go around and do normal life things together as if we’d known each other for years.
Just because these women happen to be sex workers, and just because I’m their client, doesn’t make us any less human, or not worthy of respect, love, happiness, or mean that we shouldn’t enjoy each other’s company. If you’re judging those who choose to do sex work, or those who pay for the services of a sex worker, and condemning them for it then they are not the ones with the problem – you are. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you feel the way you do about two consenting adults who choose to engage in these kinds of arrangements.
And don’t even try to associate the kinds of sex workers that I’m talking about with those who are trafficked and forced to work against their will – especially minors. They are not the same thing just as legal porn between consenting adults is not the same thing, or even similar, to pornography involving minors.
How about an 11th reason…not participating in the exploitation of impoverished female youth from the countryside who are often forced into such jobs because of a lack of education opportunities and also the traditional preference for males (many of such girls are using their profits from such business to support their male siblings who are the only ones given the chance to be educated). Further, the sex trade is a worldwide problem which people who are visiting prostitutes are actively contributing to. They are as guilty as anybody else engaged in the trade. This should be the number 1 reason on your list, but it seems you have pointed out many good “selfish” reasons that those who engage in such activities may relate to more easily (because what’s more selfish than participating in the exploitation of women for the sake of an ejaculation.)
The places I go, mostly massage, not expensive, clean, I have talked to many of the girls. They are free to come and go. Many have another job. Many enjoy it, as they get to do actual massage for fitness, meet many NICE people, and make GOOD money. They travel when they want and live the modern life. Many have families. They mostly just give handjobs and show their body. Not a bad price to pay for a good life. JUst be careful and go to the right places. 30 US dollars.
11th reason is a very good reason for not going. I heard terrible stores of girls from villages being offered good factory jobs in cities, only to arrive in the city and be forced into prostitution.
Hello, I feel what you’re saying I just dont know that foreigners should be scared of China flesh engines…cause chinese people think all foreigners look the same…
How can u say things like china is not vegas?! china is a great country ,actually one of the best i’ve ever been. I think u wrote the most stupid things in the word. Have u ever been to China?(and if u did,what,u go there to search for whores???!) I think u no nothing about china so STFU! and i’m american,have been to Vegas also,shanghai.hongkong,beijing,tokyo,osaka,seoul,pusan,toronto,ontario,vancouver,greece,italy
to think that chinese people think we all look the same is building on stupidity as i can tell the difference between beauty or having a head like it was hit by a bus
Seriously, if you are going to screw with a prostitute then you should not try to go without condom, not for the few minutes of fun.
China has the best whores in the world. I just want to thank all the whores in China for making me so happy!
Have you guys never heard of jerking off and other methods. Safer and cheaper. Yah not as good but hey it is not worth it. Get a relationship going in America!
chinese are pigs?
you a ,not chinese people.
may be the uneducated ones , the ones i have met are great people if you give them the time of day , i think you are just a racist pig yourself
Question for those of you who have lived or worked in China or had first hand experience. Over the last 3-4 months I have been chatting online with a girl who works in Shenzhen (we met randomly online, I usually don’t do this). Started as friends but we have found more interest in one another as the weeks have gone by. Exchanged photos etc. What I do know is that she sings at a bar. I was oblivious to this whole thing until a friend asked me if she works at a KTV bar. Once I knew about that it dawned on me that I might be chatting online with a prositute (except that we often spend hours on Skype) and there is nothing sexual about our video chat or conversations and she has never asked for money or anything. We have talked about meeting in real life one day. So questions: Are all the girls that sing at KTV prostitutes? Are the other types of bars that girls sing at? Am I falling into a scam? If I travel to meet her am I unsafe? If I go to meet her, we will have been chatting online for 9 months so what kind girl puts that effort into something fake. I do know she dated an English teacher from Canada for quite some time. Help?
Well there of course are bars were girls sing and are not prostitutes.
Besides this, lets assume her work includes prostitution, then what?
Well then of course she wants to have a better life and a better man then those she meets in the bar.
So why should she take the effort to scam you? She takes the effort to talk to you because she wants you to save her from her current live and marry her and make babys with her… And you will live happy together and she will not think back about the time when she worked in the bar.
I want to know did Bill ever meet her and if so what happened?
Thanks! Reading this stuff made me a little nervous, but I think she is a good person whatever her situation.
The world is filled by few billion people. Why limit ourselves. If this doesn’t work, move on.
Bill , i have had many liasons with asian women , some are full of shit , some are up front and honest like any women , you just have to play your cards right.
Hi Bill
Actually I have to tell you that yes: she probably is a prostitute. Maybe not the kind that goes with many people in one night, as usually this kind of girls are paid by ktvs to sing with the customers, pour them alcohol and let them touch their breast or other parts sometimes. Only for a right price they accept to have sex (that in any case makes of them prostitutes).
She probably wants a different life so she is trying to get it with you. It won’t be dangerous to see her. There will not be policemen looking for you or hidden cameras or other sorts of terrible things. You will just enjoy some time with someone who is your friend and could become more than this. Be sure that she does not work in ktv because she likes this. She probably has a difficult situation and a bad story to tell.
But in any case be careful! As the risk could be she’s aiming at your money and not at you!!!! Many foreigners who started relations with such girls ended up to discover that their only interest is how much money you earn, if you can buy a house for her (she will ask you for that be sure) and other “interested” questions.
I’m not telling you to run away and I wish you to be happy with her. Just I want to warn you: be careful and don’t let you be unaware of the danger because she is beautiful and makes you compliments and so on… Evaluate who she really is, not who you wish her to be!!!!
Good luck to you both in any case!!!!!
Well, Bill, I have some bad news for you. She is definitely a prostitute. I have worked in Shenzhen for almost twenty years now. There are many types of whores in Shenzhen, but the singing types are definitely the lowest. Typically singing is interpreted culturally as an interest in receiving anal sex without a condom (barebacking). I’m frankly impressed she is able to sit for hours on Skype, after such a vigorous backsiding she must be going through. Just bring her some laxatives when you go to visit.
This site here is so “strange” or just “u.s. american” or what is it?
It is not mature anyway I guess… trying to make people stay away from prostitution by those reasons above and just doing so for the sake of it.
The worst scumbags will always go to prostitutes as much as possible and don`t care about other peoples health or girls feelings.
Anyway face the male or human nature and do not put it in a corner and point with the finger on it and threaten “you have a stench on you”.
Society will not get better by this kind of non-accaptance of the existence of actual structures and behaviors or classifying them as bad.
Some arguments above then suddenly say “well look it is not bad to do it but not save! Some bad people might blackmail you and some other people then may drop out of your network. So it is not worse it”
I am not sure what it is, but you are right, it is strange.
While I have never been with a prostitute I do not cast judgement, and not all sextrade workers are scam artists or people of evil, just like mechanics or tow truck drivers, real estate agents or financial advisors some will take you for a ride and some are honest.
It is sad when you hear of those being forced into the sex trade, but there are many countries that maintain successful and relatively safe opperations where the women have choice and much needed service is provided. Lets not forget Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – yes people sex is on there, it is natural, and there are plenty of men and women in the world who for one reason or another depend such services to satisfy such needs.
I’m from North America, but have gone to KTV many times throughout Asia. I would say 60% of the girls there are willing to have sex for money. However, they don’t necessarily leave with any guy. I’ve met a lot that actually will only leave with young successful men who they view as their token out of their current life. I wouldn’t view them as prostitues, but in some ways opportunistic gold diggers. They in many ways are no different from the hot chick you pick up at the bar who will date and sleep with you because you have money. People have to understand that the Chinese tradition does not view women highly in society, so very often they will do whatever they can to improve their lifestyle. There is a reason why so many successfuly men in Asia have second wives/mistresses.
I’m a married man, but have thought about the idea of having a second wife in China many times. Women in China are very different from women in North America. They will are very traditional and look to basically be a caregiver for your children. The idea of having someone who is attractive, can cook, raise a family for you and be a champ in bed is very appealing.
then go and live in communist china “freedom” with that champ in bad and leave your USA or so
go to you geisha champ bigamist
then do not cry for your US fellows to take you out
Not to belabor the safety point, but the Chinese are really ignorant about HIV/AIDS. Prostitutes in China regularly have sex with men without using condoms. Fifty percent of Chinese think that HIV is transmitted by kissing.
i am a chinese .this is not ture.most of prostitutes using condoms.
Bill, why not listen to your heart? 9 months you have talked with her, how much you can understand her now? How much she trusted you?
Have you thought about how brave she is? Has she doubt about you ever? Life is a advanture. No love is secured even it is in front of you.
Well hope everybody enjoy like me to shake the chinese girls
Be careful. Playing with women, you are playing with your life with fire.
you are evil cici tattoo on lower back and tright shoulder butterfly mole above left eye, you see love for money and con all men…… you will loose
Great story. I’m currently living in Chiangmai, Thailand and there are massage parlors everywhere. You can always tell the ones offering special routines.
guys , do sex but don’t forget to wear a mask ,who knows that what you did last night… hehehheh
why is it your business, What people do with their private lives ? Are you attempting to talibanize people ? What two consenting adults do is not your business, unless you had some sort of religious or extremist agenda to push down on society’s throat do you?
Prostitution is not just about two private lives. It’s an industry built around the denigration, kidnapping and the denigration of women.
So are you saying that kidnapping and brutal violence against women is not to be thought of as a problem because it can’t be changed? Or because you and your friends like to go to developing countries for the cheap beer and easy access to prostitutes who are easy to objectify because of language and cultural barriers?
Don’t worry about the haters, Damjan. They know what they’re doing is inexcusable. The list of pejorative adjectives I could use to describe these guys and their behaviour would never end.
I’m only 16 and I have known the prostitution in China. Your right in many things you listed above. Its just that many women don’t give a heck of a damn about STD’s. Its here all over southern China.
Damjan, you got a point in top number 9. Its just that why many foreigners have to fall for this?
I remember once this guy got robbed by a prostitute and all his money, ID, and personal belongings were taken.
On my way home, sometimes I had to go through streets filled with brothels and they would say in Chinese: “Handsome guy, come in here” and I would feel sorry for them and just ignore them. I was so fed up one day after being touched by one that everytime I would pass by one I would wear heath ledger joker mask and scare the rabbit hops out of them and sometimes bring a fake knife warning them to not come near and talk to me.
Money is Prostitutions number one goal.
then is costs, pleasure, robbing, and finally at the bottom is STDs.
One question: Have you been to all over China to know all this because most of the women are different in choices?
yes, I see what you said, most girl work on the street are from other cities, friend alway told there, you can make more money far from home, when you are out of your house, no one see you ro know you, there do what ever they friend told them, and see some easy money, also they can buy what ever they been dreaming for so long, sex education, no no not in china, after they worked on the bar , street or hotel. they can’t go back to the regular work again, because regural didn’t pay as much as work on the street, and some girl are up in the high life style, belive it when you have a chance to visit this country, good luck.
always count on 99% of english articles about China to be biased
i agree with you Richard , some people may have a bad experience that could have happened anywhere in the world , not just in China . Many people are just biased by nature .
Speaking from experience I see – although the blackmailing seems a little paranoid but am sure it does, occasionally happen.
So what about the young men who want to learn all this for themselves? You do up all the drugs and then tell them it will harm your future, move to China bang all the prossies and then tell them you are at high risk of getting an STD.
It would be far more helpful to write an article on what to LOOK for when visiting a prostitute, although I guess that would be unrealistic given that you don’t just want to hand that information out for free!
So selfish!
great to know some rare facts.
Please email this article to: She runs an exhange programme in China with the UK, and her participants have sex with the Chinese girl students when they go over for a week each year.
Slavery? Ho what the fuck chu talkin about? Actin like you know better. White girl like you aint never been really exposed to that shit. Shut yo motherfuckin mouth. My great grandaddy had to put up with with that shit. I helped him for years on plantations almost like indentured servant. I marched through threats of high pressure firehose sprays and k-9 units! Hell me and my wife and several of my friends had to sell our bodies to feed our kids! And we love each other more for what we give to help out. People deal with things the way the best way they can and not always the way you think they should deal with it Ms. “High n Mighty”.
Well said!
If you here to spread the rumours of how bad chinese whores are then why do you choose to live there?? to spread your fucking nonsense western values and religion?? theres no comparison with the white bitches in the west, if you don’t like what you see and want to have that family values and western culture my advise to u “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY” and stay in your own backyard, you full of shit and typical western self centered asshole!!
Prostitution is the oldest profession and in China it is very much part of the culture. Educated professional girls are exposed to the concept early on in their lives and naturally develop sexual fantasies about it. They want to do it, they want to have sex for money and go to bed with lots of men, at least for a period in their lives. I find absolutely nothing objectionable about that.
Chinese women are not only the best whores in the world, but they are also the best home-makers. They are really sweet and giving. They don’t believe at all in dividing house-work 50-50. They want to care and be taken care of.
To me the combination of these two traits makes them perfect wives. Most men wish to have a whore in bed. In China you can safely marry one knowing she will be perfect also in the kitchen. I did 12 years ago in Beijing and I have no regrets, I would do it again.
On the flip side, there is one good reason to visit a prostitute in China: It’s fantastic fun.
What puritanical, paranoid nonsense from beginning to end. “Prostitution has a stench that never comes off”? All levels of Chinese society engage in it, for god’s sake, so would you be judged by except clueless, uptight Americans who know nothing about it either way? So “fifty per cent of Chinese” think AIDS is transmitted by kissing? Oh, do they? Then why is the AIDS rate so much higher in the US than in China? And Chinese prostitutes actually use condoms religiously for the most part – do you have some specifically personal experience that suggests otherwise? Pray tell, what would that be? Or are you just talking off the top of your head? Furthermore, what does the story of the guy who had several illegitimate wives have to do with prostitution?
How much do you cost Li Ling?
female friend here. Screwed up society .
The article failed to describe the pleasures a man derives from young , seductive, attractive ladies of the night, as well from a friendly, and warm massage parlor where
the dollar is KING. My experiences with ASIAN MASSAGE , was two folded.
Or they range from indiferrence to ice cold, or they are warm and melting.
Sex is sex in any country, sex with one or more a beautiful gir(s) l is Heaven on earth!!!!!!!
male friend here. agreed
Great article! MEN!!! When you are visiting on business,remember the relationships back home are forged on time, energy, respect, trust and love. If a few minutes of pleasure that you think only YOU will know about is worth risking all that you have built…you are mistaken! Listen to that still, small voice…even a God-less man knows that these girls are NOT where they dreamed that they would be one day…
omg this is helarious,, i live in dubai,, there are some chinese prostitutes here but they arent THAT statisfying in my opinion :/ and about the HIV transmission, there is a very low risk of transmission through kissing.. plus how could a person be so dumb to ingage a prostitute without use of condoms 0-0 stay safe and enjoyy
protitutes fishing for husband? ok i guess they are only human. but i seriously doubt any men will marry a prostitute for a wife? the way, i see it, too much emotional burden. If she can sell her body, then chances are she ll sell anything.. she ll have her own demons to face. so save yourself the trouble..
i dated a lot of asian women in Toronto Canada
what do i know about this pigs they are all hookers and prostitutes world wide
what they do is fuck for money
i had dated married and single asian women and they are all the same shit all hookers
and nasty bitchies
they love to suck dick and sperm on there faces
they also love anal sex
some of the asians i met from Taiwan and Fuzien big sluts prostitutes cheating on husbands
asian women for me its over no more asian women in my life i already get bored of this prostitutes and stupid is the man who will married them
fuck all this asian prostitutes has alot of women out there better then this pigs and nasty whores
open your eyes when its time or you will be like me sick for the rest of your life from a hooker who seens to be healthy
Canada USA Europe are full of asian women what they do is sex work and they use the words of STUDENTS i am international student its all lies what they do is sex work and massage to get the money to pay school and food
Here Here my good man
hello ppl , for myself , i love chinese hookers out of all the whores in the world. They are invariably the horniest , most honest , fun loving and prettiest , with tight sweet , beautifully breasted bodies and an excellent attitude to boot.. Their pussies are usually much tighter than western womens , and their pussy smell is much, much better than their western sisters. It must be the food! God Bless Chinese Women! Of course they would like to have a rich , handsome ,kind husband …. show me a hetero woman who doesnt! Im in Perth , right now and this city is full of sweet young chinese students , many of whom are fucking their way through college towards a better life , so who is going to throw the first stone at them for doing this ?
Truer words were never spoken!