Asia Healthcare Blog
Exploring the intersection of investment and development, in Asia

Business & Investment

October 8, 2012

Forbes China: Will Americans Come to Envy China’s Healthcare?

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Written by: Benjamin
Tags: , Forbes China, Ming Cheung,

Over at Forbes China, I have a column up asking what is designed to be a thought experiment:  will Americans come to envy China’s healthcare?  I am not suggesting this is definitely going to happen, simply that the opportunity to radically re-imagine how to most cost effectively deliver healthcare to a large population is going to occur in China.  The legacy issues burdening China’s healthcare system are not trivial, but the enormous size of the need in China makes it possible for entrepreneurs like to try ideas that would not be attempted in more developed healthcare markets.  Give the column a read, and feel free to weigh in.  As a business or investor, exploring this question will provide you with the opportunity to imagine disruptive technologies and business models that might not be obvious in the west.

The Forbes column is here in English and here in Mandarin.

By:  Benjamin Shobert, ,

About the Author

Ben is the Founder and Managing Director of Rubicon Strategy Group, a consulting firm specializing in helping American and European companies enter emerging markets. He is a member of the National Committee on US-China Relations and holds an advisory board seat at Indiana University’s Research Center on Chinese Politics and Business. He is a columnist for the Asia Times on US-China trade and economic policy matters, with a particular focus on how relations between the two countries are being impacted post the 2008 financial crisis. As a founder of the consulting firm Teleos, he was an early advocate for Chinese companies moving away from cost-only business models towards ones that emphasized brand building, innovation and product development. He founded Teleos Healthcare which licensed, capitalized and commercialized the IP for an OTC medical appliance used to help stop nosebleeds. This company successfully partnered with a major US pharmaceutical company on the product launch for the hemophilia and VWD bleeding disorder community. In addition, Ben has successfully managed projects in China across a number of industries, ranging from consumer goods to more complex engineered products. He holds his MBA from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.


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