Asia Healthcare Blog
Exploring the intersection of investment and development, in Asia



Finding Where You Fit in China

Recently I wrote on the topic of how market entry strategies for senior care operators in China continues to adjust to lessons learned.  Specifically, I argued that timing was critical because Chinese competitors were closely ...
by Benjamin


Reflecting on Market Entry Strategies for China’s Senior Care Industry

Because the purpose of this particular column is to explore market entry strategies for western senior care operators along with some of the difficulties they are experiencing thus far in China, it is important to preface what ...
by Benjamin


The Unique Human Resource Challenges in China’s Healthcare Market

In past analysis of the senior care industry (here, here, here, here and here as just a handful of examples) we have discussed the unique challenges related to finding, training, and retaining personnel in China.  Of all the s...
by Benjamin



Revisiting Notions of Filial Piety in China

Blake Martin recently forward to me a New York Times article that discussed what the paper called a “ham handed” attempt by the Chinese government to remind its citizens of the classic notions around filial piety.  For any...
by Benjamin


Fortune Magazine in China Covers Senior Care

The September issue of Fortune Magazine in China features retirement issues – from financial services to senior living analysis – from the point of view of potential Chinese customers.  In the magazine, I have a fe...
by Benjamin