As a quick follow-up to last week’s blog post about how breathing the air in Beijing might be bad for your health, I wanted to point readers to the Bloomberg story this week that the air quality in Beijing might also be creating cardiac problems as well as the aforementioned respiratory issues most people immediately [...]
When I started working at the Beijing pizza restaurant The Kro’s Nest I was confused by the high number of patrons who would order warm water. It was a steady phenomenon. Dry winter day or stifling summer heat, warm water orders kept coming in to the back kitchen. If you’ve spent any time in China [...]
If Stephanie had told me any of this prior to going to Chengdu (I don’t think she knew) I would have told her to run for the hills. There are so many red flags in this paragraph that I could write another dozen about them. They are no obvious to people who haven’t been in China before, or worked with real world start ups in under regulated regions before; I’m not even sure that they are obvious to people who have had the prior experiences. But, believe me, they are red flags.
Posted By Damjan DeNoble Seasoned China watcher and PBS reporter Shannon Van Sant presents a three part special on healthcare in rural China. Few people have a good sense of the health disparities in China’s part moder part developing population. Needless to say, the healthcare needs of city residents and the needs of rural residents [...]
Posted By Damjan DeNoble I had dinner yesterday with good friend Will Bernholz,who is Marketing Director of Etonkids Educational Group International Division, a Montessori early education chain based in Beijing. At some point in our conversation we started talking about the efforts that EtonKids was undertaking to co-market with private clinics in Beijing. He explained [...]