Asia Healthcare Blog
Exploring the intersection of investment and development, in Asia

Posts Tagged ‘China health care’


Photo essay on the Elderly in Rural China

Several of the pictures really give a sense of how much care is required for sick elderly in China's countryside. The pictures are not representative of the countryside as a whole, but our focused on some of the most extreme p...
by Damjan Denoble


The rural life and times of China’s aging population, Part II: Caregivers and Psychologocial Outcomes

Consequences of migration not only have the potential to shift rural health profiles in the short term, but will undoubtedly cause a demographic change in urban areas. Filial piety motivates families to stay together in the cou...
by Samuel
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Pfizer shows it’s become a veteran Chinese hand

Posted By Damjan DeNoble Pfizer has been on both the winning and the losing sides of China patent and trademark laws since 2002.  If anything, it has learned just how different a playing field China is than the rest of the wor...
by Damjan Denoble



What 850 billion yuan means for China’s health care industry

Posted By Damjan DeNoble interviewed Professor Li Ling, and provided a transcript titled The key incentive for China’s health care system is to protect people’s health, not make money. Prof. Li Ling is a...
by Damjan Denoble


Private health care with Chinese characteristics

Posted By Damjan DeNoble China’s parallel markets are familiar to anyone who’s done business here. For those who haven’t been on that adventure, China’s rural market is characterized by small mom and pop...
by Damjan Denoble
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Vivienne westwood essay.