Over the course of 2013, one of the plans we have in the works for this platform is to slightly expand our area of focus, specifically in senior care, from purely China to other emerging economies. Part of what is driving this is that many American, European and Oceana senior care companies, architecture firms and [...]
Over at Forbes China, I have a column up asking what is designed to be a thought experiment: will Americans come to envy China’s healthcare? I am not suggesting this is definitely going to happen, simply that the opportunity to radically re-imagine how to most cost effectively deliver healthcare to a large population is going [...]
Asia Healthcare Blog has long-written about the need to properly incentivize physicians and healthcare workers if China’s healthcare reforms are to succeed as imagined. But we haven’t touched on the perhaps equally important changes that would have to take place in the vast administrative network of cadres (I’m referring here to 干部) that has a [...]
China Knowledge @ Wharton has put up a stellar interview with Xu Lianjie, CEO of HengAn International Group (HA Group), China’s largest paper products manufacturer and recent acquirer of QinQin Foodstufs (hence the feature photo with Xu Lianjie on the left, posing next to food products). HA Group, is a true conglomerate giant, with “a [...]
This New Yorker cartoon by Barbara Smaller, reproduced on the right of the page, presents an unlikely American dream. A young boy wants to grow up to be an American doctor and cater only to patients who pay out-of-pocket. His mother sits stonefaced. She would have loved to hear that her boy wanted to become [...]