Posted By Damjan DeNoble I came across this China Hush post (a blog which is growing on me by the day) on HaoHao Report (a great “best of” China blog story aggregator site) that highlights 10 of the most annoying and misleading commercials that aired on Chinese television in the past year. You can check [...]
Posted By Damjan DeNoble Yesterday we had a sit down with the President of Meiloo, Yan Zhang. Meiloo is an exciting company for several reasons, but if you are not a Chinese health professional, then chances are that you have not heard of Meiloo because the company peddles exclusively to Chinese private clinics, and Chinese [...]
Posted By Damjan DeNoble In a post at Speak Without Interruption, an online magazine, Lloyd Lofthouse, author of My Splendid Concubine , comments on how health care in China is following the American private health care model down a path that will lead to greater inequality in health provision. In 141 B.C.E., more than two thousand [...]
Posted By Damjan DeNoble interviewed Professor Li Ling, and provided a transcript titled The key incentive for China’s health care system is to protect people’s health, not make money. Prof. Li Ling is a a principal author of the 850 billion yuan health reform proposal announced by China last month. The whole interview is [...]
Posted By Damjan DeNoble China’s parallel markets are familiar to anyone who’s done business here. For those who haven’t been on that adventure, China’s rural market is characterized by small mom and pop shops, outside bazaars where farmers sell all manner of goods, local made products such as three wheeled vehicles fitted with tractor motors, [...]