As North American senior care operators expand into China, one of the first decisions they will make – who to select as their real estate partner – is also likely to be one of the most critical. This would always be a pivotal decision entering any foreign market, but in the midst of very specific [...]
The Economist Business Without Borders breakfast series is taking its talents to Seattle this week. China legal expert Dan Harris of the China Law Blog will be one of the panelists, as will China business author Ted Fishman, who’s books I highly recommend. The following is a write up from the China Law Blog that provides all of the information you need to attend.
I have a post up on China Law Blog titled, appropriately enough, “China’s Healthcare System.” For those of you new to the site or the world of China, China Law Blog is probably the best English-language China blog in the world that deals solely with law and business. My post covers another principal takeaway from this [...]
Last week, I moved to Seattle for the summer. I’ll be working as a summer associate at Harris & Moure, familiar to some of you as the law firm behind China Law Blog. Over at China Law Blog I’ll be writing on a range of very serious topics, and I hope that those of you [...]