In today’s post I have provided a translation of a widely distributed Chinese-language article on the future of the health reforms in 2013. It features the announcements of the MOH as put forth by State Council Vice Premiere Li KeQiang, Ministry of Health Minister Chen Zhu, and China Pharma researcher and China investment advisor JiangHua [...]
Running in concert with this week’s JP Morgan Healthcare Conference is the OneMed China Forum III. You can find previous coverage of the 2012 event here, and a pre-amble to this year’s event here. Between last year and 2013, what changed was the emphasis on less top-level market analysis and more practical questions about how [...]
For life science companies building and executing a market access strategy in China, the question is rarely whether or not a big enough market exists to justify their efforts; rather, the most pressing question is what they will have to trade in order to open the market itself. The question of what the exchange is [...]
In Part 1 of our analysis of McKinsey’s new report on China’s healthcare reforms and what they mean to your business, we spent a good bit of time discussing the policy framework evolving in the country to expand coverage of new drugs while changing the role prescription drugs played in a hospital’s revenue stream. These [...]
As part of the recently completed report on China’s healthcare system by McKinsey & Company, I had the pleasure of speaking with Franck Le Deu, the head of McKinsey’s Greater China Healthcare practice. At a little under 200 pages, the report is highly recommended for anyone who wants to understand how China’s healthcare reforms are [...]