Posted By Damjan DeNoble Seasoned China watcher and PBS reporter Shannon Van Sant presents a three part special on healthcare in rural China. Few people have a good sense of the health disparities in China’s part moder part developing population. Needless to say, the healthcare needs of city residents and the needs of rural residents [...]
This very good Al Jazeera report gives one a good sense of just how high the stakes are with China’s healthcare reforms. “The Chinese government is launching a $125bn, three-year plan to reform its healthcare system, hoping to expand basic coverage to 90 per cent of the population. But in a country where less than [...]
An article called VCs already eyeing potential in new Chinese health care reforms on Venture Beat by Camille Rickets gives some insight into what type of companies stand to profit from the now approved 850 Billion Yuan health care reform package. With 7,400 clinics and 2,000 hospitals in the works, companies that provide medical equipment, [...]
Posted By Damjan DeNoble Yesterday we had a sit down with the President of Meiloo, Yan Zhang. Meiloo is an exciting company for several reasons, but if you are not a Chinese health professional, then chances are that you have not heard of Meiloo because the company peddles exclusively to Chinese private clinics, and Chinese [...]
Posted By Damjan DeNoble interviewed Professor Li Ling, and provided a transcript titled The key incentive for China’s health care system is to protect people’s health, not make money. Prof. Li Ling is a a principal author of the 850 billion yuan health reform proposal announced by China last month. The whole interview is [...]